Crossword #033 - The Eighth Doctor

Hello Everyone! 

This week's crossword theme is on the Eighth Doctor! To date, he's only had one full-length adventure on screen and some cameos, but worry not, there was still a lot of material there to plunder for a crossword. 

My golden rule for these crosswords is always to start with the TV adventures first, with the odd nod to comics and books, so don't worry if the Eighth Doctor books are a dim and distant memory - most of the clues are on the TV movie and his anniversary short, Night of the Doctor. There are also a couple of references to his lengthy Big Finish years too. 

Speaking of books, in the weeks to come, there will be a books special, based mainly on the Target novelisations for that special nostalgic feel. Many more themes are lined up and ready as we head into 2024. In the meantime, settle back on the sofa before Bryan steals it, and get your pencils ready!

Happy times and places

Code Nine x


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