Crossword #035 - The Monsters!

Where would Doctor Who be without its monsters? 

Among my earliest memories (full stop, not just of the programme) is being terrified of the Malus in The Awakening. A scary face coming out of a wall petrified my tiny mind. A couple of years later, the Vervoids had the same effect, making me terrified of grilles. I was suddenly seeing them everywhere! And behind each one was a monster ready to kill me... The thing is, I actually liked being scared, and it was this (along with the high camp of Time and the Rani) that made me a fan in the first place. 

There have been a lot of monsters over the years, and everyone has their favourite - the one which made them have nightmares. When Doctor Who returned, I actually had a nightmare about Cybermen. Honestly, who loves having nightmares?! 

To this end, this week's Cryptic Who is all things monstrous, celebrating the things coming to get you when your back is turned, the terrible creatures hiding in the shadows in the corner of your eye... 

Don't Blink!! 

Code Nine x


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