Crossword #039 - The Second Doctor

It's been said that the Second Doctor was the first of the modern Doctors, in that for a long time, he became the archetype of the Cosmic Hobo who flew around writing wrongs in the universe. I've always thought of him as the core Doctor - a scruffy little man with a big brain on the run from the God-like Time Lords. Arguably, the Seventh Doctor was a return to this aspect of his personality, albeit a more manipulative. Patrick Troughton brought a fresh, new energy to the role after the departure of William Hartnell. He was clever, witty, and determined - just as the Doctor should be. I bloody love him. This week's crossword celebrates his tenure. Hidden within the clues and answers are many nods to Troughton's time as the Doctor. Oh, my giddy Aunt! 

- Code Nine x 


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