Crossword #045 - The Victorians (A letter from the Reverend Ernest Matthews)

Sir - 

I am writing to-day to protest in the strongest possible terms about your ungodly theories of "evolution". Man has been the same, Sir, since he stood in the Garden of Eden, and was never, ever, a gibbering, chattering ape. Despite our differences, I wish you good health, Sir. However, if you should fall ill, one should think it to be divine retribution for your scurrilous espousal of "Darwinsism". I shall make the interminable journey forthwith to Perivale to discuss this with you in person. 

Yours faithfully,

Reverend Ernest Matthews

P.S: I enclose a crossword from The Times. I cannot get 24 Across. Can you? 

P.P.S: Make sure you have some bananas in. 


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