Crossword #046 - The Key To Time (Romana's letter home)

Dear Mum and Dad,

I thought I would drop you a line to tell you I am safe and well in case you're worried. I have gone travelling with a man called the Doctor for the Summer. Dad, before you roll your eyes like you did when I crashed my air car, I can explain. The President sent me to assist the Doctor to look for the segments for the Key to Time to restore the balance of good and evil in the universe. Only, it wasn't the President at all but the White Guardian. I know, right?! Pretty incredible. He's much shorter than I expected. You would love the Doctor's vintage TARDIS. It really is antiquated. And as for his robot dog... 

Anyway, I should be back soon and I absolutely promise I will get a proper job then. The Doctor assures me this letter will reach you via his Space-Time Telegraph, but I have my doubts, quite frankly. Mum, I know you like your crosswords, so I have compiled one for you about my adventures. Enjoy!

Lots of love,

Romanadvoratnelundar x 


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